06 Jun Green Card Application Fees Under New Proposal: Will It Break the Bank?
If you’re among those seeking permanent residency in the United States, you might be affected by the new proposal recently put forward by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The proposed hike in fees has caused alarm among immigrant rights groups and sparked heated debates in the political sphere.
The proposed changes include a significant increase in the cost of applying for a Green Card and several other changes that would make it more challenging for immigrants to obtain permanent residency or citizenship. Moreover, USCIS is considering a new rule that would require applicants to provide their credit scores as part of the application process, which could be challenging for recent immigrants who may not have established credit histories in the United States.
USCIS claims that the fee increases are necessary to cover the cost of processing applications, which has become more expensive over time due to inflation and changes in technology. Critics of the proposal argue that the steep increase in fees would make it even more difficult for low-income immigrants to obtain permanent residency or citizenship, and it would disproportionately affect people of color, who are more likely to live in poverty and may not have access to financial resources to cover the costs.
The USCIS is currently accepting public comments on the proposal, and it is possible that the agency may modify or withdraw the proposal based on the feedback it receives. Despite the controversy surrounding the proposal, concerned citizens and immigrant rights groups are mobilizing to oppose the proposal and advocate for more inclusive and equitable immigration policies.
If you need help applying for a Green Card, our team is available to answer your questions. Contact us today at (832) 305-6560. or schedule a consultation by clicking here.
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