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Immigration Medical Exam: A Crucial Step for Obtaining Your Green Card

Applying for a green card to live and work in the United States requires fulfilling several procedures with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Among these, the immigration medical exam is a mandatory step that, if not carried out correctly, can result in the rejection of your application. At Denisse Vergara Miller’s law firm, we specialize in helping our clients navigate the immigration process. If you or someone you know needs help with this process, call us at (832) 305-6560 for a free preconsultation to determine if you qualify to fix your status within the United States.

Here, we explain the importance of this exam to secure your residency in the U.S. and how to prepare to avoid mistakes that could affect your immigration process.

What is the Immigration Medical Exam?

The immigration medical exam not only evaluates the applicant’s physical health but also aims to identify mental conditions and other diseases that may concern immigration authorities. This exam is more of a legal process than a medical one, as the results are reported to the embassy and can significantly influence USCIS’s decision.

Some key evaluations include:

  • Communicable diseases: Having a communicable disease does not automatically disqualify you from obtaining a green card, but you must show that you are undergoing treatment and have the condition under control.
  • Substance use: If psychoactive substance use or habitual alcohol consumption is detected, the applicant will need to undergo rehabilitation and retake the exam at a later date.

Tips for Passing the Immigration Medical Exam

    1. Get a pre-exam checkup: Before attending the official appointment, consider having a medical checkup on your own. This allows you to understand your health status and take necessary actions if needed.
    2. Do not open the sealed envelope: Your exam results will be delivered in a sealed envelope that you must not open under any circumstances. If you do, the results will be invalid, and you’ll need to repeat the exam.
    3. Be honest: All the information you provide during the exam will be verified through medical tests. It is crucial to be completely truthful about your health and habits.

What to Do if You Don’t Pass the Exam

If you do not pass the immigration medical exam, there is still the possibility of rescheduling a new appointment. USCIS gives applicants time to undergo treatments, receive the required vaccines, or demonstrate that they have completed a rehabilitation process if necessary.

At Denisse Vergara Miller Law Firm, we are here to help with any questions about the process of obtaining your green card. Call us at (832) 305-6560 for assistance.


The immigration medical exam is a crucial step in the process of obtaining a green card. Proper preparation and adherence to USCIS guidelines can help avoid issues that could affect your application. Being careful and honest during this process is essential for achieving permanent residency in the United States.

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Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Consult with an immigration attorney for specific legal guidance.

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